Science & teaching

Originally, I was educated in physics. However, as the time went on I slightly diverged and ended up at the boundary of physics and chemistry. Formerly, I worked at CERN, after obtaining a PhD degree from MFF UK in 2001 as a postdoc at FHI of Max Planck Institute in Berlin, and later at the chemistry departments of University of California Irvine and University of Virginia. Currently I'm employed as an associate professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University in Prague.

I've been maily focused on problems of chemical catalysis on solid surfaces and related nanomaterials which I study experimentally under ultrahigh vacuum conditions (pressures typically 10-13 atm.) as well as under realistic conditions. Those interested in my work are welcome to read my research papers.

Apart from that there are other fields of physics and chemistry I've been following to a certain extent, namely fotovoltaics, fuel cells, microelectronics, some issues of cosmology etc.

Teaching and lectures

My work outcome

Selected Publications (newest first)

  • Alexander A., Reticcioli M., Albons L., Redondo J., Corrias M., Píš I., Wang Z., Johánek V., Mysliveček J., Franchini C., Wrana D., Setvín M.: Atomic-scale view at the segregation of alkali metals towards the KTaO3(001) perovskite surface, ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 16 (50) (2024) p. 70010
  • Fusek L., Camellone M.F., Ronovský M., Kastenmeier M., Skála T., Samal P.K., Tsud N.,Mehl S., Škvára J., Dolák T., Uvarov V., Setvín M., Johánek V., Fabris S., Brummel O., Libuda J., Mysliveček J., Piccinin S., Lykhach Y.: Atomistic picture of electronic metal support interaction and role of water, J. Mater. Chem. A 12 (6) (2024) p. 3258
  • Uvarov V., Krutel J., Mašek K., Mysliveček J., Johánek V.: Thermal stability of cobalt oxide thin films and its enhancement by cerium oxide, Appl. Surf. Sci. 593 (2022) art. # 153430
  • Camellone M.F., Dvořák F., Vorokhta M., Tovt A., Khalakhan I., Johánek V., Skála T., Matolínová I., Fabris S., Mysliveček J.: Adatom and Nanoparticle Dynamics on Single-Atom Catalyst Substrates, ACS Catal. 12 (9) (2022) p. 4859
  • Hohner C., Ronovský M., Brummel O., Skála T., Šmíd B., Tsud N., Vorokhta M., Prince K.C., Mysliveček J., Johánek V., Lykhach Y., Libuda J.: Reactive interaction of isopropanol with Co3O4 and Pt/Co3O4 model catalyst, J. Catal. 398 (2021) p. 171
  • Johánek V., Švenda P., Mašek K.: Methanol to hydrogen conversion on cobalt–ceria catalysts prepared by magnetron sputtering, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 46 (33) (2021) p. 17197
  • Bertram M., Prössl C., Ronovský M., Knöppel J., Matvija P., Fusek L., Skála T., Tsud N., Kastenmeier M., Prince K.C., Matolín V., Mayrhofer K.J.J., Johánek V., Mysliveček J., Cherevko S., Lykhach Y., Brummel O., Libuda J.: Cobalt Oxide-Supported Pt Electrocatalysts: Intimate Correlation between Particle Size, Electronic Metal Support Interaction and Stability, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11 (19) (2020) p. 8365
  • Tovt A., Bagolini L., Dvořák F., Tran N.-D., Vorokhta M., Beranová K., Johánek V., Camellone M.F., Skála T., Matolínová I., Mysliveček J., Fabris S., Matolín V.: Ultimate dispersion of metallic and ionic platinum on ceria, J. Mat. Chem. A 7 (21) (2019) p. 13019
  • Ostroverkh A., Johánek V., Dubau M., Kúš P., Khalakhan I., Šmíd B., Fiala R., Václavů M., Ostroverkh Y., Matolín V.: Optimization of Ionomer-free Ultra-low Loading Pt Catalyst for Anode/Cathode of PEMFC via Magnetron Sputtering, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 44 (35) (2019) p. 19344
  • Dvořák F., Szabová L., Johánek V., Camellone M.F., Stetsovych V., Vorokhta M., Tovt A., Skála T., Matolínová I., Tateyama Y., Mysliveček J., Fabris S., Matolín V.: Bulk hydroxylation and effective water splitting by highly reduced cerium oxide: The role of O vacancy coordination, ACS Catal. 8 (5) (2018) p. 4354
  • Ostroverkh A., Johánek V., Kúš P., Šedivá R., Matolín V.: Efficient ceria-platinum inverse catalyst for partial oxidation of methanol, Langmuir 32 (25) (2016) p. 6297
  • Lykhach Y., Kozlov S.M., Skála T., Tovt A., Stetsovych V., Tsud N., Dvořák F., Johánek V., Neitzel A., Mysliveček J., Fabris S., Matolín V., Neyman K.M., Libuda J.: Counting Electrons on Catalyst Nanoparticles, Nat. Mater. 15 (3) (2016) p. 284
  • Cushing G.W., Johánek V., Navin J.K., Harrison I.: Graphene Growth on Pt(111) by Ethylene Chemical Vapor Deposition at Surface Temperatures near 1000 K, J. Phys. Chem. C 119 (9) (2015) p. 4759
  • Lykhach Y., Happel M., Johánek V., Skála T., Kollhoff F., Tsud N., Dvořák F., Prince K.C., Matolín V., Libuda J.: Adsorption and decomposition of formic acid on model ceria and Pt/ceria catalysts, J. Phys. Chem. C 117 (24) (2013) p. 12483
  • Lykhach Y., Johánek V., Aleksandrov H.A., Kozlov S.M., Happel M., Skála T., Petkov P.St., Tsud N., Vayssilov G.N., Prince K.C., Neyman K.M., Matolín V., Libuda J.: Water chemistry on model ceria and Pt/ceria catalysts, J. Phys. Chem. C 116 (22) (2012) p. 12103
  • Happel M., Mysliveček J., Johánek V., Dvořák F., Stetsovych O., Lykhach Y., Matolín V., Libuda J.: Adsorption sites, metal support interactions, and oxygen spillover identified by vibrational spectroscopy of adsorbed CO: A reference study on Pt/Ceria model catalysts, J. Catal. 289 (2012) p. 118
  • Cushing G.W., Navin J.K., Donald S.B., Valadez L., Johánek V., Harrison I.: C-H Bond Activation of Light Alkanes on Pt(111): Dissociative Sticking Coefficients, Evans-Polanyi Relation, and Gas-Surface Energy Transfer, J. Phys. Chem. C 114 (40) (2010) p. 17222
  • Matolín V., Johánek V., Škoda M., Tsud N., Prince K.C., Skála T., Matolínová I.: Methanol adsorption and decomposition on Pt/CeO2(111)/Cu(111) thin film model catalyst, Langmuir 26 (16) (2010) p. 13333
  • Johánek V., de la Ree A., Hemminger J.C.: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy investigation of the conversion of ethylene to carbon clusters and graphite on Pt(111), J. Phys. Chem. C 113 (11) (2009) p. 4441
  • Johánek V., Laurin M., Grant A.W., Kasemo B., Henry C.R., Libuda J.: Fluctuations and Bistabilities on Catalyst Nanoparticles, Science 304 (2004) p. 1639
  • Johánek V., Schauermann S., Laurin M., Libuda J., Freund H.-J.: Site-Occupation and Activity of Catalyst Nanoparticles Monitored by In-situ Spectroscopy, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 42 (26) (2003) p. 3035
  • Yudanov I.V., Sahnoun R., Neyman K.M., Rösch N., Hoffmann J., Schauermann S., Johánek V., Unterhalt H., Rupprechter G., Libuda J., Freund H.-J.: CO Adsorption on Pd Nanoparticles: Density Functional and Vibrational Spectroscopy Studies, J. Phys. Chem. B 107 (1) (2003) p. 255
  • Schauermann S., Hoffmann J., Johánek V., Hartmann J., Libuda J., Freund H.-J.: Catalytic Activity and Poisoning of Specific Sites on Supported Metal Nanoparticles, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 41 (14) (2002) p. 2532
  • Tsud N., Johánek V., Stará I., Veltruská K. and Matolín V.: XPS and TPD Study of Pd-Sn Interaction on Pd-SnOx Systems, Thin Solid Films 391 (2001) p. 204
  • Matolín V., Stará I., Tsud N., Johánek V.: XPS and TDS Study of CO Interaction with Pd-AlOx Systems, Prog. Surf. Sci. 67 (1-8) (2001) p. 167
  • Tsud N., Johánek V., Stará I., Veltruská K. and Matolín V.: CO Adsorption on Palladium Model Catalysts: XPS Pd-Al2O3 Interaction Study, Surf. Sci. 467 (1-3) (2000) p. 169
  • Benvenuti C., Cazeneuve J.M., Chiggiato P., Cicoira F., Escudeiro Santana A., Johanek V., Ruzinov V., Fraxedas J.: A novel route to extreme vacua: the non-evaporable getter thin film coatings, Vacuum 53 (1-2) (1999) p. 219

Curicullum VitaeComplete List of Publications

My jobs

Links to all my former and current employers:

Universita Karlova (Praha)
   -  Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta (MFF)
      - Katedra elektroniky a vakuové fyziky (KEVF)
         - Skupina fyziky povrchů KEVF MFF UK
Akademie věd ČR (Praha)
   - Institute of Electrical Engineering AVČR

CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics (Genève)
   - Division EST
         - SM group
   -  Fritz-Haber-Institut (Berlin)
      - Department of Chemical Physics
         - Molecular Beam Group
University of California, Irvine (Irvine)
   - Department of Chemistry
      - Hemminger Research Group
University of Virginia (Charlottesville)
   - Department of Chemistry
      - Harrison Research Group
Universita Karlova (Praha)
   -  Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta (MFF)
      - Katedra fyziky povrchů a plazmatu (KFPP)
         - Skupina fyziky povrchů KFPP MFF UK